Endometriosis: It's a Real Problem.

Endometriosis: It's a Real Problem.

You may be wondering why there's a post (or two or more) about endometriosis on a website all about animals and conservation. That's fair. The reason is that I have it, and it's a hard thing for me to talk about. So, here's a graphic and a small piece of activism. Be well, my friends.

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The Endometriosis March happens every March to raise awareness about endometriosis (endo) and to raise money for endo research. Bloomin' Uterus, my favorite endo blog, raises funds for the Endometriosis Foundation of America. You can donate through the Bloomin' Uterus website and get some sweet, yellow swag

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you can donate directly to the Endometriosis Foundation of America.

This graphic came about after my friend, who happens to run the Bloomin' Uterus blog and organize the Endometriosis March in San Diego, told me about having a conversation with a man selling art. He turned out to be a doctor quite knowledgable about endo (which is not really the norm) and matter of factly stated, "Endometriosis, it's a real problem."

I decided (We decided? I don't really remember. Who cares!) that a graphic needed to be made in honor of this unexpected exchange. You never know who you're 5 feet from and what amazing information, insight, or humor they may share.

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